2 April 2015

Hairstyles for Long-Haired Men

Men who change to a long hairstyle need sufficiently full hair and patience – plus personal qualities. Particularly difficult is the transitional phase, in which the hair is not quite long enough for sweeping it behind the ears. In this phase, the hairstyle looks and feels awkward. Only an iron will and baseball caps can help. 

It takes courage for a man to let his hair grow. Long-haired men attract admiration as well as stares from men as well as from women. Wearing a long mane therefore takes quite a bit of confidence. As we pointed out above, not every man has what it takes to pull off wearing long hair.

For a casual look the long hair of men should never look freshly blow-dried. Men should therefore allow their long hair to air-dry. This keeps the hair healthier anyway. Use your fingers to comb the hair. Individual strands of hair may be accentuated using wax.

Men with feminine facial features may like to grow a beard to match the long hair. Whether you decide to wear a three-day designer beard or a long beard, the facial hair is going to give you the desired masculine look. Wearing a beard for a more masculine appearance is almost required if you gather your hair to a ponytail in the neck.

Whatever hairstyle you prefer, hair needs proper care. Casual is not to be mistaken for a raggle-taggle appearance. Simply wash your hair twice a week using lukewarm water. Use a hair treatment once week. If necessary enhance the sheen of your hair by using extra-gloss products.

Willy Cartier is a French model and actor. Easily identifiable by his long hair, he is best known for being the face of Givenchy.